1 | Aftermaths | 4:08 |
2 | Graysmith | 1:29 |
3 | Law & Disorder | 4:16 |
4 | Trailer Park | 2:51 |
5 | Dare To Dream | 1:21 |
6 | Avery & Graysmith, Toschi & Armstrong | 3:29 |
7 | Graysmith Obsessed | 4:09 |
8 | Are You Done? | 2:22 |
9 | Closer & Closer | 3:14 |
10 | Confrontation | 3:34 |
11 | Graysmith's Theme | 2:35 |
12 | Toschi's Theme | 2:10 |
13 | Graysmith's Theme | 4:19 |
Download Zodiac Score Soundtrack (OST)
Zodiac Score Movie Review
It’s the aspects of Zodiac that differ from a typical thriller or police procedural that make this movie special. David Fincher (Se7en, Fight Club, Panic Room) isn’t afraid to make a movie that – consistent with the actual events on which it’s based – stretches the story out over not just days, but years.
This intriguing film makes you want to know more about what actually happened in and around San Francisco during the late 1960s and early 1970s when the self-named ‘Zodiac’ killer was wreaking havoc with innocent people at night, while enjoying himself by taunting police and the local media with letters giving hints and a secret code, aimed at making the chase more delicious – for him.
Fincher’s approach is risky, as most similar movies would derive their tension out of a close connection between the audience and one or two central characters, whose fate becomes vital to us. Here, Fincher’s use of an ensemble cast allows one character to be discredited, another to spiral downward in alcoholism and a third to lose his family – all at least partly due to their obsession with this case – yet we watch this from something of a distance. Thankfully, there is more than enough tension, and more than enough fascinating detail, for this approach to work, and to benefit from the added complexity of so much going on in the lives of so many characters.
Carried by an excellent cast – Jake Gyllenhaal, Mark Ruffalo, Anthony Edwards, Robert Downey Jr., Brian Cox, Chloe Sevigny, Elias Koteas, Dermot Mulroney, Donal Logue, and on it goes – this is a film that holds your interest well over more than two and a half hours, and with numerous apparent dead ends and leaps of time in the investigation. Unlike most thrillers, which unrealistically pack the intrigue into a neat little package, Fincher allows things to unfold gradually, with numerous dead ends, findings later discredited, and characters who enter and eventually depart the storyline.
Instead of making the movie boring, this pace actually makes it all the more fascinating, as we’re as uncertain and frustrated as are the cops. It’s no surprise that they all eventually pretty much give up, leaving just one obsessed newspaper cartoonist (Gyllenhaal) to devote his life to (and alienate his family over) digging for the truth.
As much about the price of obsession on the part of Robert Graysmith (Gyllenhaal), reporter Paul Avery (Downey), and detective David Toschi (Ruffalo) as it is about the killer, Zodiac is tense, despite the fact that there are only a few scenes in which we feel any of these characters might be in peril (not counting the peril to their personal lives, which is substantial). We, like these investigators, want to learn the truth, and this is the source of our tension more than fear over when, where and how the Zodiac killer may strike next.
Some may be struck by the absence of significant female characters (Sevigny’s role is played up, although hers is a secondary character), but this is a function of the reality of police stations and newsrooms in the ‘60s and ‘70s. Fincher pieces together the film skilfully, recreating the killings, and presenting us with montages of newspaper clippings, recreations of panicked calls to police, and plenty of scenes of frustrated investigatory work by police and the newspaper men.
More realistic-feeling than Fincher’s previous films (largely due to the fact that he emphasizes the historical basis of the film), yet equally tense and fascinating, Zodiac is the work of a mature, sure-handed director who has a solid grasp of the thriller genre.
Source: apolloguide.com
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