Download Across The Universe (CD 2) Soundtracks
1 | I Am The Walrus (Bono And The Secret Machines) | 4:45 |
2 | Being For The Benefit Of Mr. Kite (Eddie Izzard) | 2:42 |
3 | Because (Cast) | 2:31 |
4 | Something (Jim Sturgess) | 3:01 |
5 | Oh! Darling (Dana Fuchs And Martin Luther Mccoy) | 2:31 |
6 | Strawberry Fields Forever (Jim Sturgess And Joe Anderson) | 3:39 |
7 | Revolution (Jim Sturgess) | 2:19 |
8 | While My Guitar Gently Weeps (Martin Luther Mccoy) | 4:04 |
9 | Across The Universe (Jim Sturgess) | 3:29 |
10 | Helter Skelter (Dana Fuchs) | 3:43 |
11 | Happiness Is A Warm Gun (Joe Anderson Feat: Salma Hayek) | 3:08 |
12 | Blackbird (Evan Rachel Wood) | 3:05 |
13 | Hey Jude (Joe Anderson) | 4:12 |
14 | Don't Let Me Down (Dana Fuchs) | 3:07 |
15 | All You Need Is Love (Jim Sturgess And Dana Fuchs) | 3:19 |
16 | Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Bono) | 4:23 |
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