Beowulf Soundtrack Download (OST), Movie Review & Trailers

1Beowulf Main Title0:56
2First Grendel Attack1:53
3Gently As She Goes (Performed By Robin Wright-Penn)1:37
4What We Need Is A Hero1:42
5I'm Here To Kill Your Monster1:49
6I Did Not Win The Race2:18
7A Hero Comes Home (Performed By Robin Wright-Penn)1:09
8Second Grendel Attack4:03
9I Am Beowulf4:34
10King Beowulf1:46
11He Has A Story To Tell2:42
12Full Of Fine Promises1:13
13Beowulf Slays The Beast6:02
14He Was The Best Of Us5:25
15The Final Seduction2:26
16A Hero Comes Home (End Credit Version)(Performed By Idina Menzel)3:13
17The Seduction (Bonus Track)4:04

Download Beowulf (by Alan Silvestri) Soundtrack (OST)

Beowulf Movie Trailer

Beowulf Uncensored Trailer

Beowulf Movie Review

“It is not for the gold, it is for the glory.” and this movie might reach both. Beowulf 3D is based in the first English language epic poem ever written, Beowulf. The story was originated between 700 and 750 AD, finally after 1200 years someone has been able to make a movie worth to its origin. When I first saw the preview of the movie I was exited since I thought it was going to be like a mixture of 300 and The Lord of the Rings. Well the movie is nothing like either of them, nonetheless, it did not disappoints. It has everything that a good epic movie should have: A hero, Monsters, Dragons, action, adventure, even a little comedy, ah! and did I mention it is on digital 3-D. There is just one thing I have to say about this film: It is a most see in the theater.

It is 750 A.D, and Hrothgar, king of the Danes (Antony Hopkins) has built the biggest mead hall, Heorot, where him and his people drink and dance until dawn. Until one day, a hideous creature, Grendel (Crispin Glober), comes to the hall at night bother for all the noise the humans were making and kill everybody but the king. This becomes an every day event, forcing the king to closed the great hall for good. He offers half of his gold to whoever kills and free his kingdom from this monster. A great warrior from the tribe of the Geats, named Beowulf(Ray Wingston) who is brave, kind, strong and his obsession is not gold but pride and power, comes to faced this creature and the creatures Mother (Angelina Jolie). Little did he knows that he was also facing himself.

The movie is well directed. I like the new approach they took about this epic, many people who read the book might be disappointed since it does not follow it, on the other hand, this approach seems more real, makes sense and feels in the gaps that the original version has. the cast makes an excellent job portraying their character. Antony Hopkins makes terrific performance as king Hrothgar, John Malkovich impressed me as Ulfreith, and Jolie makes the perfect Monster, it is a shame she did not have more screen time. The voice of Grendal describe the monster and depicts the time, but sometimes it was hard to understand. The special effects could be disappointed for many people who thought they were going to watch real actors like in 300 and Sin City, but once you realized it is an animated movie, they are excellent, in some scenes it seems like there are the real actors, and the monsters are well depicted and defined; they have no flaw in any scene. the 3D effects are just icing on the cake, they really pull this off the audience will feel they are inside the movie along Beowulf fighting the monsters. The action scenes are energetic, realistic and exiting with the 3D effects the audience see the best angles and be on the edge of their seats. The only think that might disappoint the audience is the final scene, since it is kind of predictable.

Producer and director did a great job with the settings. They were all well chose and displayed from the landscaping in northern Denmark, the storms in the sea to Grendel dungeon. They also did their homework in the mythology , mentioning the Nordic gods and different creatures, and introducing the new emerging religion in society at the end. As a High school student I did not paid any attention to the book, I found it hard to read, understand, and boring. Beowulf 3-D completely changed my perspective of this legendary epic. With a talented cast a good director and great special effects Beowulf 3D is an enjoyable, fascinating, unique and mystical experience that might innovate animated movies.


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