Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer Soundtrack Download (OST)

1Silver Surfer Theme4:22
2Galactus Destroys/Opening1:53
3Pursuing Doom3:12
4Wedding Day Jitters1:21
5Chasing The Surfer2:32
6Camp Testosterone/Meeting The3:36
7A Little Persuasion2:07
8Botched Heroics4:37

Download Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer Soundtrack (OST)

Fantastic Four trailer: Rise of the Silver Surfer

Fantastic Four: Rise Of The Silver Surfer Movie Review

It's still not fantastic. But I wouldn't be surprised if, eventually, there weren't four of these.

Advertising does work, after all. Just look at the box office for "Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer." It must be the ad campaign, because it isn't its junior-high (no offense to those readers in junior high) script or its melodramatic moments.

Here we are again with Sue Storm (Jessica Alba, "Sin City") and Reed Richards (Ioan Gruffudd, "Amazing Grace"), just about to tie the knot. Reed just can't seem to concern himself with planning a wedding, though. Before you know it, he's working on a security gizmo that could save the world instead of helping Sue with their upcoming nuptials.

The ceremony is interrupted when the Silver Surfer (voice of Laurence Fishburne and played by Doug Jones, "Pan's Labyrinth") arrives. Back again, too, is Dr. Doom (Julian McMahon), who is working with the government to study just how the Surfer and his board work and what can be done to stop them.

Johnny Storm (Chris Evans, "Cellular") and Ben Grimm (Michael Chiklis, television's "The Shield") join in the effort to stop the Silver Surfer and his path of destruction.

You have the constant play-bickering between Johnny and Ben, and the silly lines between Reed and Sue that are, I imagine, supposed to pass for romantic interludes. The show is every bit as tepid as the first interpretation. What makes it worse is that the third "Spider-Man," while it never achieves the quality level comparable to the first two Spideys, is so much better. It's hard to believe that both franchises are favorite Marvel superhero comics.

Stan Lee has a cameo in this show that, believe it or not, isn't very interesting and it's a Stan Lee cameo, for cryin' out loud! You almost have to try to make that happen and this screenplay did it.

A few of the action scenes are eye-catching, especially when the Surfer makes his first appearance and we discover the terror that's soon to follow his arrival. But serious action scenes aren't enough to keep a movie going.

I do appreciate that, because this show apparently is aimed at an adolescent audience, the film earned a "PG" rating it's more gentle and not nearly as adult as "Spider-Man." But it talks down to its audience..and probably will keep talking for at least one more outing.


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