Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof Soundtrack Download (OST)

1The Last Race (Jack Nitzsche)2:39
2Baby It's You (Smith)3:22
3Paranoia Prima (Annio Morricone)3:19
4Planning & Scheming (Eli Roth & Michael Bacall)1:00
5Jeepster (T ReX)4:09
6Stuntman Mike (Rose Mcgowan & Kurt Russell)0:19
7Staggolee (Pacific Gas & Electric)3:50
8The Love You Save (May Be Your Own) (Joe TeX)2:56
9Good Love, Bad Love (Eddie Floyd)2:11
10Down In Mexico (The Coasters)3:22
11Hold Tight (Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick & Titch)2:47
12Sally And Jack (Pino Donaggio)1:25
13It's So Easy (Willy Deville)2:10
14Whatever-However (Tracie Thoms & Zoe Bell)0:36
15Riot In Thunder Alley (Eddie Beram)2:04
16Chick Habit (April March)2:07

Download Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof Soundtrack (OST)

Intro Titles to Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof

Download Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof Movie

Quentin Tarantino's Death Proof Movie Reviews

Review by Rob Vaux from flipsidemovies.com

Final, damning evidence that Hollywood cares about nothing but money: Harvey Weinstein's complete demolition of Grindhouse, first for the foreign markets and now on DVD, where the film's grand "double feature" gimmick has been snapped in half. Quentin Tarantino's segment, Death Proof, comes out Tuesday, with Robert Rodriguez's Planet Terror due later this fall. They are now, apparently, individual movies: totally separate from each other and, horror of horrors, devoid of the marvelous faux previews that were far and away the best thing about the film's original incarnation. How did this happen? Was there something wrong with Grindhouse as it stood? Not according to the critics: the film currently sits at a bright and shiny 82% on Rotten Tomatoes, with 141 professional snarks singing its praises. Non-critics have been even more supportive; the Internet Movie Database lists it at #121 on the list of the best movies of all time -- ahead of such losers as Annie Hall, Platoon, and The Bicycle Thief. Read more >>>

Review by Chris Nelson from dreamlogic.net

At just 80 minutes Death Proof is Quentin’s shortest film to date, and somehow his most interminable. Overly chatty and under-compelling, its tale of a stuntman/serial killer (a vehicular-homicidal maniac) lulls when it should wow and stalls when it should kick into high gear. The film is broken into two halves, the first concerning a band of shallow 20-something females on a bar-hopping night in Austin, Texas, and the second a group of Hollywood types killing time in-between set-calls while on location in Tennessee. Both involve over thirty minutes of gab, followed by approximately 10 minutes of action, once Russell’s Stuntman Mike comes out to play. Read more >>>

Review by Kevin Laforest from celebritywonder.com

In Scott Frank's surprisingly great "The Lookout", we're told at some point that accident victims who suffer frontal-lobe trauma sometimes lose their inhibitions. Far be it from me to suggest that Quentin Tarantino got clunked something fierce during the "Death Proof" shoot, but I've rarely seen a filmmaker, in current Hollywood at least, expose their sexual and sadistic kinks on screen with such shameless glee!

In this throwback to the days of seedy movie-houses and drive-ins that showed exploitation flicks, we basically get a female Reservoir Dogs (Reservoir Bitches, if you will), inasmuch as the near majority of the running time is devoted to showing the interaction and conversations of a group of people, who eventually find themselves in deadly circumstances. To a large degree, this is what QT himself calls a hanging out movie, and I loved every second of it. I've already heard of folks being bored by the long scenes of chicks driving around, having drinks and casually chatting all the while, but let's leave those fools sucking on their Popsicles. Read more >>>

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Spider-Man 3 Soundtrack Download (OST), Movie Review & Trailer

1Signal Fire4:26
2Move Away3:52
4Pleased To Meet You4:44
5Cut Off The Top (Timo Maas Dirty Rocker Remix)3:03
6Red River2:52
7Stay Free4:27
8The Supreme Being Teaches Spider-Man How To Be In Love3:25
9Scared Of Myself4:54
10The Twist2:35
12Summer Day2:05
13Falling Star3:34
14Portrait Of A Summer Thief4:15
15A Letter From St. Jude4:11
16Small Parts3:38

Download Spider-Man 3 Soundtrack (OST)

Spider-Man 3 Movie Trailer

Download Spider-Man 3 Movie

Spider-Man 3 Movie Review

The "Spider Man" series of movies has become such a national phenomena there is no way the third installment is not going to be a smash at the box office. It has word of mouth, audience identification, and pre-movie momentum going for it big time. But is the third time the charm or the runt of the litter? Well do you like your puppies small or smaller?

The third installment opens with Peter Parker/Spider Man (Tobey Maguire) on top of the world. He is a hero to millions and the one girl he loves, loves him back. He plans to ask Mary Jane (Kirsten Dunst) to marry him and he is sure she is going to say yes!

The one blemish in his happy life is his friend Harry (James Franco). He still holds Spider Man responsible for his father's death. He tells Peter that he will get revenge. Peter tries to dissuade him but Harry is determined to have his own private "payback" time with Spidey.

Peter also gets news about the murderer of his Uncle Ben (Cliff Robertson). He and his Aunt May (Rosemary Harris) are told by the police that the man they thought killed Ben didn't. Instead it was another man by the name of Flint Marko (Thomas Haden Church) who did the dastardly deed. Now Peter/Spidey has a new man to hunt down, and catching him may bot be too easy. He has an alter ego known as "the Sandman."

Also a meteorite plunges to earth and a strange goo crawls out of it. This goo attaches itself to Spider Man and makes his bright suit dark. It also changes his personality, bringing out his worst traits. Peter Parker goes from being mild to being hip. He struts down the street looking like an auditioner for "Saturday Night Fever."

Meanwhile Mary Jane has let her demons loose and is jealous of Peter's attention to the Police Commissioner's daughter Gwen (Bryce Dallas Howard). She is going through some problems in her professional life and it affects her relationship with Peter.

All of this is crammed into the movie and more, and it is just too much. We are into overkill country quickly. One villain, one personal crisis, and one climactic event would have been plenty. But nooooo, we have to have one big scene after another with each one topping the one that preceded it.

What is right with the movie are the special effects. All that swooping and swinging from tall buildings is still enough to make you want to stand up and cheer. There is also still a sweetness about Peter Parker that the audience enjoys.

On the negative side the addition of Bryce Dallas Howard and Topher Grace to the cast is a bad idea. Both of these actors flop in throwaway roles. We also don't need cameos from James Cromwell, J K Simmons, Elizabeth Banks, Bill Nunn and many more actors who are capable of carrying a full part.

The makers of the movie should have lost the hip Peter bit. It's embarrassing. They also should have lost about forty-five minutes of the movie. It is way too long. And tell Kirsten Dunst to start eating. Her legs look like sticks.

The film is rated PG-13 for profanity and violence.

There is just too much crammed into this movie to make it enjoyable. It feels overdone from start to finish. Maybe they just went to the "Spider Man" well one time too many. Yet there is strong talk about making a fourth installment.

"Spider Man 3" will undoubtedly make money. The question is will it entertain. Kids will answer a resounding YES! while older kids and adults will be disappointed.

Source: celebritywonder.com

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No Reservations Soundtrack Download (OST), Movie Review & Trailer

1Truffles And Quail (Conrad Pope)1:35
2Sway (Michael Buble)3:10
3Celeste Aida (Luciano Pavarotti)3:32
4O Mio Babbino Caro (Renata Tebaldi)2:13
5Zoe & Kate Watch Video (Phillip Glass)2:11
6Libiamo Ne Lieti Calici (Joan Sutherland)3:04
7Via Con Me (Paolo Conte)2:32
8La Donna E Mobile (Joseph Calleja)2:13
9Un Bel Di (Renata Tebaldi)4:56
10Zoe Goes To The Restaurant (Phillip Glass)1:32
11Cielo E Mar (Luciano Pavarotti)5:02
12Mambo Gelato (Ray Gelato)2:58
13Nessun Dorma (Luciano Pavarotti)2:57
14Count On My Love (Liz Phair)3:40

Download No Reservations Soundtrack (OST)

No Reservations Movie Trailer

No Reservations Movie Review

Raising Helen eats Ratatouille in this picture. The unexpected thrust into parenthood due to a tragedy and the pressures and extravagance of the culinary arts and fine dining are combined in this tasty dish. I went in expecting a romantic comedy but I was surprised with a romantic drama, extra drama with a side of comedy. The focus was primarily on Zoe (Abigail Breslin) and her tragic situation. As well it should because we sometimes take these scenarios too lightly not realizing the impact it has on a child. Kind of catches you off guard at times, but in a good way.

Master Chef Kate (Catherine Zeta-Jones) is an uptight, passionate perfectionist when it comes to her kitchen. She is backed up by her talent and reputation. Her demanding career makes her mostly alone until a tragic event brings her 9 year old niece Zoe to her door. Inexperienced and emotionally ill-equipped, she takes on this major life change with a constant reminder that Zoe’s life change is even more drastic. Balancing her grief, her niece’s grief, and the added responsibilities of parenthood, she tries to maintain control of the kitchen. Forced to take some time off to recoup, a new Sous-Chef is hired to help out during her absence. Nick (Aaron Eckhart) is the complete opposite of Kate except for the talent and passion for cooking. He struggles to show her that life doesn’t have to be so rigid and controlled.

Catherine Zeta-Jones oozes the uptight, control freak type characters. She does it so well it’s scary. That combined with her classic silver screen beauty (needed for the romance portion of the show) makes her perfect for this role. Aaron Eckhart does not cease to amaze me. He can do good guy, bad guy, “rocket” scientist, corporate spokesperson, and free-spirited Sous-Chef almost effortlessly. I think he is underrated. The little girl that had amebas in her water in Signs and danced like her grandpa taught her in Little Miss Sunshine delights us again with a strong performance in this one. She is definitely one of the great child stars of today. The cookie cutter characters were predictable, but the performances gave them the extra chocolate chips.

Beyond the taste buds, the sights and sounds of the movie were very nice as well. The music was appropriate and well used, like opera in the kitchen for instance. The cinematography was masterful. The scenes in Kate’s apartment were so cozy, even the hallway was appealing. The hustle in the kitchen was well covered and smooth, down to the escape room, the walk-in freezer.

Director Scott Hicks (Hearts in Atlantis, Snow Falling on Cedars) successfully blended the talent he was working with to bring us this delectable story. This is not your typical lightly-salted date movie, but still a date movie nonetheless. Although it smells like cliche', it is a nice change of pace from the ordinary. Priscilla would have really enjoyed it. It will touch your heart in a different way. Oh yeah, it touches your stomach too. I don’t know about you, but it made me hungry.

Source: smartcine.com

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Beowulf Soundtrack Download (OST), Movie Review & Trailers

1Beowulf Main Title0:56
2First Grendel Attack1:53
3Gently As She Goes (Performed By Robin Wright-Penn)1:37
4What We Need Is A Hero1:42
5I'm Here To Kill Your Monster1:49
6I Did Not Win The Race2:18
7A Hero Comes Home (Performed By Robin Wright-Penn)1:09
8Second Grendel Attack4:03
9I Am Beowulf4:34
10King Beowulf1:46
11He Has A Story To Tell2:42
12Full Of Fine Promises1:13
13Beowulf Slays The Beast6:02
14He Was The Best Of Us5:25
15The Final Seduction2:26
16A Hero Comes Home (End Credit Version)(Performed By Idina Menzel)3:13
17The Seduction (Bonus Track)4:04

Download Beowulf (by Alan Silvestri) Soundtrack (OST)

Beowulf Movie Trailer

Beowulf Uncensored Trailer

Beowulf Movie Review

“It is not for the gold, it is for the glory.” and this movie might reach both. Beowulf 3D is based in the first English language epic poem ever written, Beowulf. The story was originated between 700 and 750 AD, finally after 1200 years someone has been able to make a movie worth to its origin. When I first saw the preview of the movie I was exited since I thought it was going to be like a mixture of 300 and The Lord of the Rings. Well the movie is nothing like either of them, nonetheless, it did not disappoints. It has everything that a good epic movie should have: A hero, Monsters, Dragons, action, adventure, even a little comedy, ah! and did I mention it is on digital 3-D. There is just one thing I have to say about this film: It is a most see in the theater.

It is 750 A.D, and Hrothgar, king of the Danes (Antony Hopkins) has built the biggest mead hall, Heorot, where him and his people drink and dance until dawn. Until one day, a hideous creature, Grendel (Crispin Glober), comes to the hall at night bother for all the noise the humans were making and kill everybody but the king. This becomes an every day event, forcing the king to closed the great hall for good. He offers half of his gold to whoever kills and free his kingdom from this monster. A great warrior from the tribe of the Geats, named Beowulf(Ray Wingston) who is brave, kind, strong and his obsession is not gold but pride and power, comes to faced this creature and the creatures Mother (Angelina Jolie). Little did he knows that he was also facing himself.

The movie is well directed. I like the new approach they took about this epic, many people who read the book might be disappointed since it does not follow it, on the other hand, this approach seems more real, makes sense and feels in the gaps that the original version has. the cast makes an excellent job portraying their character. Antony Hopkins makes terrific performance as king Hrothgar, John Malkovich impressed me as Ulfreith, and Jolie makes the perfect Monster, it is a shame she did not have more screen time. The voice of Grendal describe the monster and depicts the time, but sometimes it was hard to understand. The special effects could be disappointed for many people who thought they were going to watch real actors like in 300 and Sin City, but once you realized it is an animated movie, they are excellent, in some scenes it seems like there are the real actors, and the monsters are well depicted and defined; they have no flaw in any scene. the 3D effects are just icing on the cake, they really pull this off the audience will feel they are inside the movie along Beowulf fighting the monsters. The action scenes are energetic, realistic and exiting with the 3D effects the audience see the best angles and be on the edge of their seats. The only think that might disappoint the audience is the final scene, since it is kind of predictable.

Producer and director did a great job with the settings. They were all well chose and displayed from the landscaping in northern Denmark, the storms in the sea to Grendel dungeon. They also did their homework in the mythology , mentioning the Nordic gods and different creatures, and introducing the new emerging religion in society at the end. As a High school student I did not paid any attention to the book, I found it hard to read, understand, and boring. Beowulf 3-D completely changed my perspective of this legendary epic. With a talented cast a good director and great special effects Beowulf 3D is an enjoyable, fascinating, unique and mystical experience that might innovate animated movies.

Source: smartcine.com

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The 4400 Soundtrack (OST) & Trailers

1A Place In Time (Theme From The 4400) (Bosshouse)0:59
2True (Ryan Cabrera)3:24
3Do The Buildings And Cops Make You Smile (Bedroom Walls)3:00
4The Reason (Hoobastank)3:53
5Talk Shows On Mute (Incubus)3:49
6Worry About You (Ivy)3:58
7Running Battle (Kasabian)4:15
8You & Me (Lifehouse)3:17
9It's Been Awhile (Staind)4:26
10How Do You Say Goodbye (Engineers)5:19
11Look What You've Done (Jet)3:50
12This Is Your Life (Switchfoot)4:18
13Gravity (Alison Krauss And Union Station)3:36

Download 4400 Soundtrack (OST)

The 4400 - Intro of Season 1

The 4400 - Intro of Season 2

The 4400 Season 3 Trailer

The 4400 - Intro of Season 4

300 Movie Soundtrack Download (OST)

1To Victory2:34
2The Agoge2:24
3The Wolf2:10
4Returns A King2:24
6The Ephors1:59
7Cursed By Beauty1:41
8What Must A King Do1:05
9Goodbye My Love3:22
10No Sleep Tonight2:33
11Tree Of The Dead2:25
12The Hot Gates3:00
13Fight In The Shade3:17
14Come And Get Them2:05
15No Mercy2:23
16Immortals Battle1:53
17Fever Dream2:33
18Xerxes Tent3:20
19Tonight We Dine In Hell1:15
20The Council Chamber2:34
21A God King Bleeds2:16
22Message For The Queen2:31
24Xerxes Final Offer2:39
25Remember Us2:56

Download 300 Soundtrack (OST)

300 Music Video - I Stand Alone Remix

300 Movie Review

Everything old is new again in 300, director Zack Snyder's account of the barbaric Battle of Thermopylae, a film that is ridiculously stylish and commendably substantive. I expected the former (Snyder's source material is a graphic novel from cult hero Frank Miller) and was delighted by the latter, as 300 winds up being far more original than I thought possible.

Like Robert Rodriguez in Sin City, Snyder employs cutting-edge visual technology and green-screen effects to essentially photocopy Miller's acclaimed work of the same name. Because Miller's graphic novels have been fountains of inspiration for a handful of recent directors, his style has become overly identifiable. Splotches of crimson (usually blood) stain sun-dried backdrops as impossibly chiseled warriors fight long past their dying breath. That's 300 in a nutshell, though Snyder's tight epic additionally bathes in every tired cliche of the warrior genre, yet somehow makes it all seem fresh.

Do you know that cocky individual who appears in every decent combat film, the one wearing the disturbing ear-to-ear grin as he mows down waves of enemy troops? Spartan king Leonidas (Gerard Butler) had 300 of these wild-card soldiers on his side when his recruits went toe-to-toe with Persia's massive armies in 480 B.C. Pigeonholing his enemies into a constricted and controllable mountain passage, Leonidas staged a brave front against escalating forces for three days. Their courageous stand bought limited time for Leonidas' wife, Queen Gorgo (Lena Headey), who fought to overcome political opposition in Sparta and assemble a properly armed resistance.

Snyder borrows substantially from Miller's visual palette as he paints 300 on the big screen. Glorious shots of Leonidas and crew gazing contemplatively at matte-painting storm clouds mirror stills from Miller's source comic. Snyder dutifully copies the look while bringing his own fluid pace to the grainy snapshots.

Three hundred also happens to be the number (roughly) of iconic combat images that Snyder commits to the screen once the fighting starts. Grand battles usually are cut with disorienting speed, producing sequences of chaos. Often, it's impossible to tell in a battle who is hitting whom. Snyder favors long, unbroken shots of choreographed carnage. His slow-motion approach honors the fighting technique of his soldiers, and gives us ample time to drink in the stunning visuals that complement the conflict.

However, 300 delivers more than relentless, bone-crunching violence. Snyder takes time to explain Sparta's core beliefs as he illustrates the legendary grooming of Leonidas, trained from birth to be the victor. Spartans, we're told, have their egos stroked at an early age. The Greek population's inflated sense of self created a dangerous motivation to fight -- when the only other option is to bow before a substandard people, Spartans have no choice but to swing a sword.

Butler becomes the driving force of 300, which projects the intense Leonidas as a leader at several crossroads, all of which trace back to his unshakable loyalty. A tragic hero, Leonidas knows his place -- in history, as well as in reality -- is at the head of this phalanx of washboard-stomached Spartans. On that note, what is the deal with those abs? Membership at the Sparta YMCA must be a requirement of the Greek nation's army.

300 suffers from some minor issues. The title misleads, as Leonidas' 300-man platoon was joined by Arcadian allies before even reaching the battlegrounds. Most scenes don't benefit from the film's supplied narration. These lines of dialogue likely appeared in text boxes on Miller's pages, and Snyder was clearly hesitant to erase them. Plus, Persian emperor Xerxes the Great probably wasn't the fey glam queen that Snyder and actor Rodrigo Santoro make him out to be -- is there a history text that addresses sexual preferences of Greco-Persian figureheads?

Snyder made his debut three years back with an updated Dawn of the Dead, which instantly turned the zombie genre on its ear by making the predatory creatures smarter and faster than normal. Now, with 300, Snyder blends the swift pace and stylish posturing of today's attention-challenged cinema to the sword-and-sandal genre, a format that to this point has been crucified by bloated entries such as Alexander, Troy, and Kingdom of Heaven. It's early in his career, but Snyder's making a decent play for the title Father of Reinvention, and I'm anxious to see what genre he reworks next.

Source: contactmusic.com

This Is England Soundtrack Download (OST)

154-46 Was My Number (Toots Amd The Maytals)3:12
2Come On Eileen (Dexys Midnight Runners)4:02
3Tainted Love (Soft Cell)2:42
4Underpass Flares (Dialogue) ()1:08
5Nicole (Gravenhurst)5:14
6Cynth Dad (Dialogue) ()0:59
7Morning Sun (Al Murray And The Cimarons)2:56
8Shoe Shop (Dialogue) ()1:43
9Louie Louie (Toots And The Maytals)5:46
10Pressure Drop (Toots And The Maytals)2:53
11Hair In Cafe (Dialogue) ()1:01
12Do The Dog (The Specials)2:09
13Ritornare (Ludovico Einaudi)7:22
14This Is England (Dialogue) ()1:25
15Return Of Django (The Upsetters)2:31
16Warhead (Uk Subs)3:03
17Fuori Dal Mondo (Ludovico Einaudi)4:58
18Since Yesterday (Strawberry Switchblade)2:54
19Tits (Dialogue) ()1:32
20The Dark End Of The Street (Percy Sledge)2:45
21Oltremare (Ludovico Einaudi)5:03
22Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want (Clayhill)3:42
23Dietro Casa (Ludovico Einaudi)3:49
24Never Seen The Sea (Gavin Clark)3:17

Download This Is England Soundtrack (OST)

This Is England Soundtrack - Louie Louie

This Is England Movie Review

Shane Meadows uses his own childhood as the basis for this striking film, beautifully recreating 1980s Britain with the help of a terrific cast. It's easily Meadows' best film yet, and one of the finest films of the year.

It's 1983 and tough 12-year-old Shaun (Turgoose), who lives with his mother (Hartley), is struggling to cope with his father's death while fighting in the Falklands. The other kids tease him mercilessly, but a group of skinhead punks led by Woody (Gilgun) take him in, shaving his head and kitting him out with a Ben Sherman shirt and Doc Martens. Then Combo (Graham) returns from prison and divides the group with his racist nationalism. And Shaun is quickly won over.

Meadows brings together the various elements perfectly, balancing sharp social commentary with realistic wit and humour. And the performances are startlingly natural. Turgoose is a rare child actor who can carry a movie without dipping into sentimentality. His prepubescent inquisitiveness, gullible acceptance of things older people should know better, and emotional response to events around him are spot on. His scenes with "girlfriend" Hanson are absolutely wonderful, even if they're deeply wrong.

The other standout in the ensemble is Graham, whose beliefs, actions and ability to win people to his side are seriously frightening. But even if he's the ostensible villain of the piece, we can also see his inner insecurity and frustration at how society has lost its way. This is clear through both Graham's transparent performance and Meadows' astute script, which hones in on the violent bravado with razor-sharp precision.

Elegantly filmed in like a plaintive fable, with a score that blends period pop tunes with lush instrumentals, the emotive style at times seems to jar with the insidious storyline. But there's a powerful warmth and resonance most films on this kind of topic can never even hint at. Echoes of today's society are clear but never heavy-handed, and many scenes leap off thescreen with sheer intensity, such as a nationalist rally that feels like a fundamental religious service. It's an excellent film that'll both stir your mind and break your heart.

Source: realmovienews.com

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Shrek The Third Soundtrack Download (OST)

1Royal Pain (Eels)2:28
2Do You Remember Rock 'n' Roll Radio? (The Ramones)3:50
3Immigrant Song (Led Zeppelin)2:25
4Barracuda (Fergie)4:39
5Live And Let Die (Wings)3:13
6Best Days (Matt White)3:01
7Joker And The Thief (Wolfmother)4:41
8Other Ways (Trevor Hall)3:25
9Cat's In The Cradle (Harry Chapin)3:46
10Losing Streak (Eels)2:50
11What I Gotta Do (Macy Gray)3:09
12Thank You (Falletin Me Be Mice Elf Again) (Eddie Murphy And Antonio Banderas)4:39
13Final Showdown (Maya Rudolph And Rupert Everett)1:55
14Charming's Plan (Harry Greggson-Williams)2:49

Download Shrek The Third Soundtrack (OST)

Shrek 3 Born To Be Wild Music Video

Shrek The Third Movie Review

The first “Shrek” was a quite a surprising and genuinely funny stab at the fairy-tale genre (and Disney in general). It also made enough money to garner a sequel, titled “Shrek 2” of course, and the result was a damn near waste of celluloid. There was nothing new about that film and the references that made the first one seem so fresh, ended up making this one stale in comparison. But it made money. So it shouldn’t surprise anyone that we have another sequel wrecking havoc on our lives this summer. “Shrek the Third” is somewhat of an improvement over the last one, though it still never veers off familiar terrain. Essentially, if you've only seen one "Shrek" film, you've seen them all.

Picking up right where the last one left off, Shrek (Mike Myers) and Fiona (Cameron Diaz) are living it up in the Kingdom of Far, Far Away Land, posing as the King and Queen, as the real ones are off somewhere doing something. Before the King finally croaks (the King is a frog, get it?), he appoints his large green son-in-law to take over the throne. Only he doesn’t want the job.

So what does Shrek do? If you’ve seen the other two, you know exactly what happens next. He goes on another journey with his compatriots Donkey (Eddie Murphy, surprisingly not wearing a fat-suit) and Puss In Boots (Antonio Banderas). This time they have to travel to Worcestershire (if only I was making that up) to pick up the other heir to the throne. This land also happens to be a high school and the person they seek happens to be the class dork. Artie (Justin Timberlake) doesn’t fit in with the jocks and the Dungeons and Dragons-playing nerds don’t like him either. Imagine his excitement to learn that he has just been appointed King to a bunch of people he’s never met in a land he’s never been to?

While Shrek and crew are off on their little escapade, Prince Charming (Rupert Everett) returns to Kingdom with a vengeance. With the assistance of Captain Hook (Ian McShane), and a whole slew of other proverbial villains, he takes over Far, Far Away and crowns himself King. And you can figure out the rest from here.

The real problem with this film, outside of unoriginality of course, is that the jokes are either too childish for adults or way too adult for kids. There is no doubt in my mind that “Shrek the Third” is supposedly geared for children but are they really going to get a Led Zepplin reference? Are they going to chuckle when they see a gang of teenagers climb out of a carriage with smoke pouring out of it as if they were just pulling a Spicoli?

Princess Fiona is also pregnant and this leaves Shrek with a lot of woes. You can imagine the types of concerns and problems he has to tackle here too. While it may open the door for the inevitable “Shrek 4,” it’ll no doubt fuel the most curious of kid with a couple of questions you may not be ready to answer at this point in their lives.

The soundtrack contains some nice bits, including songs by The Eels, Wolfmother and The Ramones. It also includes an ear-bleeding cover of Heart's Barracuda by Fergie, which is no good for anybody.

Just like the other two films, "Shrek the Third" was written by an infinite amount of screenwriters, making sure no pop-culture reference was left untouched. Co-directors Chris Miller and Raman Hui do a consistent job of making this film look exactly like the other two. Which is a good thing if you don’t feel like spending a lot of money at the theater this weekend. If you have a large family, and they want you to drag them to see this new movie, just pop in the first or second one in your DVD player and tell them it’s the new one. They’ll never know the difference.

Source: filmthreat.com

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Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Soundtrack Download (OST)

1Hoist The Colours1:31
3At Wit's End8:05
4Multiple Jacks3:51
5Up Is Down2:42
6I See Dead People In Boats7:09
7The Brethren Court2:21
10What Shall We Die For2:02
11I Don't Think Now Is The Best Time10:45
12One Day4:01
13Drink Up Me Hearties4:31

Download Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Soundtrack (OST)

Pirates of the Caribbean 3 - Pirates song

Pirates Of The Caribbean: At World's End Movie Review

Who cares that a summer blockbuster might be an incoherent, overplotted mess, when it comes stocked with a charismatic protagonist, an intriguing love triangle, plus enough swashbuckling action and spooky special effects to make you forget the fact that the story is almost impossible to keep straight? That's what we have with Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End, possibly the finale of Disney's billion-dollar trilogy, unless the company can coax Johnny Depp to have another go at it as Captain Jack Sparrow.

When last we saw the terminally-eccentric skipper of the Black Pearl, he and his ship had been dragged to the bottom of the ocean by the Kraken, a mammoth sea monster doing the bidding of dastardly Davy Jones (Bill Nighy). In the interim, piracy has turned into a rather perilous profession, due to an unholy alliance between Jack's tentacle-faced tormentor and Lord Beckett (Tom Hollander), the Chairman of the East India Trading Company.

With Beckett now in control of The Flying Dutchman, Jones' ghoulish ghost ship, the invincible vessel has been ridding the Seven Seas of pirates. So, as the film unfolds, we are greeted with the spectacle of the mass hanging of hundreds of convicts condemned to the gallows.

Meanwhile, a plan is being hatched by Will Turner (Orlando Bloom) and his fianc?e, Elizabeth Swann (Keira Knightley), the fetching femme fatale responsible for seemingly sending Jack to a watery grave. With the help of Captain Barbossa (Geoffrey Rush) they encourage the rest of the outlawed Lords of the Brethren Court to put aside their differences to rescue him and thereby to resuscitate their flagging brotherhood of thieves.

Also among the ill-fitting crew of conspirators assembled for the adventure are the mischievous Pintel (Lee Arenberg), the superstitious Ragetti (Mackenzie Cook), and Tia Dalma, aka Calypso (Naomie Harris), a West Indian witch whose clairvoyant persona was ostensibly channeled from Miss Cleo of the Psychic Friends Network. Yet, none from this colorful ensemble can match Cap'n Jack in terms of magnetism, for his concatenation of tics still steals his every scene, even opposite his father, played by the Rolling Stones' Keith Richards, who Depp freely admits served as the source of inspiration in creating the character.

Since Pirates 2 and 3 were shot simultaneously, fans of the franchise are forewarned to anticipate a sense of d?j? vu while watching this flick. Although the scenes are certainly original, there remains a vaguely familiarity air about it all, similar to the experience offered by the final installment of Lord of the Rings.

In sum, At World's End is a CGI-driven, seafaring saga of Shakespearean proportions, exploring an assortment of themes worthy of The Bard of Avon: love and betrayal, good versus evil, failing and redemption, and more. Unfortunately, it spins a far more convoluted yarn than its demographic desires, a flaw further complicated by a glut of both good guys and bad guys to keep track of.

Best to think of Pirates 3 as just a Johnny Depp vehicle to be savored as a mindless, mildly scary escape. Just be sure to sit through the entire closing credits for a postscript which ties up loose ends while dropping a big hint about what might be in store should there be a Pirates 4.

Source: newsblaze.com

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Step Up Soundtrack Download (OST)

1Bout It (Yung Joc Feat 3Lw)4:17
2Get Up (Ciara Feat Chamillionaire)4:23
3When You Gonna Give It Up To Me (Sean Paul Feat Keyshia Cole)4:05
4Show Me Tha Money (Petey Pablo)3:44
580S Joint (Kelis)3:12
6Step Up (Samantha Jade)3:26
7Say Goodbye (Chris Brown)4:49
8Dear Life (Anthony Hamilton)4:15
9For The Love (Drew Sidora Feat Mario)3:44
10Up Gang And Roscoe P Goldchain-Aint Cha (Clipse Feat Re)4:42
11Imma Shine (Youngbloodz)3:37
12Feelin Myself (Dolla)3:45
13Til The Dawn (Drew Sidora)3:10
14Lovely (Deep Side)4:03
15U Must Be (Gina Rene)4:45
16Made (Jamie Scott)2:15

Download Step Up Soundtrack (OST)

Step Up Movie Trailer

Step Up Movie Review

Hard to believe, but it's been 19 years since adolescent girls around the world swooned at the sight of a muscle-bound Patrick Swayze lifting the lissome Jennifer Grey over his head before letting her plunge into a mosquito-infested pond in the Catskills.

Happily for romantic 13-year-old girls everywhere, "Step Up" has arrived, breathing somewhat stale air into an age-old story: Girl from the right side of the tracks meets boy from wrong side and a love of risque dance steps and tight clothing brings them together.

While predictability and occasionally wooden dialogue keep this from being a truly good movie, it's certainly entertaining enough to please its intended audience, and its wide-eyed belief in redemption through hard work is refreshingly optimistic.

Tyler Gage (Channing Tatum, who last appeared in "She's the Man") is a low-level hooligan, living with unscrupulous foster parents, stealing cars with his best friend Mac (Damaine Radcliff) and committing the occasional act of vandalism. It's that last talent that gets him 200 hours of community service at the Maryland School of the Arts (Baltimore's answer to "Fame"), where he's swept along a hallway that resembles a Renaissance Faire (wandering violinists playing Pachelbel's Canon, small groups of students harmonizing for no apparent reason). He quickly homes in on Nora Clark (Jenna Dewan, who miraculously has managed to salvage her career after starring in the unwatchable horror flick "Tamara"), a classically trained dancer/Type-A personality, who is anxiously perfecting her senior performance, which, we're reminded incessantly, is VERY IMPORTANT and will make or break her career.

Under the stern gaze of the school's humorless principal, Director Gordon (Rachel Griffiths, acting as if she's been hit in the back of the head with a frying pan and then pushed in front of the camera), Tyler falls under Nora's spell, seduced by her super sassy dance moves and the ineffable allure of trading in his baggy jeans for a nice pair of tights.

In the background, issues of class and race are raised, then more or less dropped. Beyond its central tenet (Work Hard and Don't Give Up), this movie doesn't do much philosophizing. Every character represents a kind of cliche: Tyler is the disillusioned kid who has issues with authority, Mac is the kid being raised by a harried and overworked single mom, Nora is the coddled but misunderstood product of her mother's middle-class expectations. The good news is that no one is free from the ravages of fate. It's just that people with more money can wear cuter outfits while fate is doing its thing.

Tatum and Dewan have a fine chemistry; Dewan seems to be a pretty good dancer and acquits herself respectably during the scenes that require "acting." Tatum, on the other hand, whose strongest asset appears to be his chiseled physique, doesn't seem to be acting so much as regurgitating, and he can be very difficult to understand.

"Step Up" could be called "Dirty Dancing Without the Pesky Morality Lesson," or "Footloose Without the Uptight Minister." Even "Flashdance Without the Welding Mask" works pretty well. From the over-the-head lift that convinces Nora that Tyler might have the goods to be her dance partner, to the dance scenes along Baltimore's gritty, industrial waterfront, it's hard to escape the nagging feeling that we've seen all of this before, albeit arranged slightly differently.

It's no accident that the credits for the movie are a Who's Who of dance movie alumni: Director Anne Fletcher choreographed "Bring It On"; screenwriter Duane Adler penned "Save The Last Dance"; and the movie was photographed by Michael Seresin, who shot "Fame."

Of course there's an upside to such a convergence: If you pool that much experience in one production, you're almost guaranteed a movie that's slick enough to overcome its own shortcomings and deliver a reasonably satisfying package. In that regard, "Step Up" doesn't disappoint.

Source: chicago.metromix.com

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Ocean's Thirteen Soundtrack Download (OST)

1Not Their Fight1:17
211, 12 & 131:57
3Benedict Returns1:48
4Kensington Chump1:40
5Trapdoor Man1:07
8Shit! Shit! Shit!2:02
9Dice Men1:54
10Diamond Location1:08
11The Nose2:30
13Suite Bergamasque, Claire De Lune, No.35:51
14Grand Opening2:12
16Fender Roads2:38
17Snake Eyes2:57
18All Sewn Up3:14
19This Town3:02
20Soul Town2:29

Download Ocean's Thirteen Soundtrack (OST)

Ocean's Thirteen Movie Trailer

Ocean's Thirteen Movie Review

The jazzy music, saturated-to-bleeding colors, and even the credits font make it clear from the outset: Ocean's Thirteen is more variety show than heist thriller. The gang of thieves from Ocean's Eleven and Ocean's Twelve is re-assembled, and while their new scam is more of a group effort than the scattered riffing of Twelve, its building-block cons are as cool and varied as ever.

Returning to the stage, the Ocean crew: Rusty (Brad Pitt) puts on scraggly facial hair to play a seismologist. Linus (Matt Damon) prepares to seduce a casino employee (Ellen Barkin), a task that, he insists, requires a prosthetic nose. Basher (Don Cheadle) mostly minds a giant piece of construction equipment, but impersonates a motorcycle daredevil on the fly as an elaborate distraction. The brothers Malloy (Casey Affleck and Scott Caan) are off to Mexico. George Clooney's Billy Ocean, as usual, acts as ringleader, which means a lot of standing around looking fabulous in suits, as well as one spectacularly well-timed eyeroll.

The ostensible reason for these heist-themed skits is to fleece Vegas big-shot Willie Bank (Al Pacino). Bank has forced Reuben (Elliott Gould) out of plans for a flashy new casino/hotel, leaving Reuben physically and mentally hobbled, which doesn't sit right with his friends.

This sense of male loyalty and camaraderie explains away the missing love interests (Julia Roberts and Catherine Zeta-Jones -- who, frankly, did no favors for the last sequel -- are mentioned obliquely but not seen). "It's not her fight," Ocean says early on, and he may as well be referring to the entire female gender. As breezy and larkish as this series wants to be, it's not above insisting that this time, it's personal.

Thus Ocean's Thirteen is framed as a revenge story, which nevertheless plays out more like a victory lap -- though what exactly the cast and crew have triumphed over, I'm not sure. Life, I guess; I'm not sure if you've heard this, but it turns out that Clooney, Pitt, and Damon are apparently hugely successful, attractive, and charming, and they all like each other a whole lot.

So maybe they've triumphed over potential jealousy, because I couldn't help but smile a whole lot while watching Ocean's Thirteen. The gags execute the clever trick of seeming like deadpan throwaways while showing up at regular, punctuated intervals. The big score turns out to be a misdirection; this film is almost entirely funny side business, compartmentalizing the nonsense that tangled up the otherwise amusing Twelve. Damon, so serious in most of his lead roles, is especially hilarious playing the frustrated little brother of the gang and breaking unspoken rules about keeping it cool and low-key.

In between laughs, we have director Steven Soderbergh shooting a Las Vegas awash in color -- reds and oranges that make the casino lighting look like a hellish (but bright) imitation of sunlight, the dark green of a security command center, and the rich blues of the sky above the strip. Like its predecessors, this is a great-looking jape (though not always a great-sounding one; with some of the dialogue flying too fast and mumbly over the zippy David Holmes score to process fully).

The recurring problem with making an Ocean's movie is the tactical deployment of a huge cast, and Thirteen is a bit too complacent to change that; Bernie Mac once again gets the short shrift, and Don Cheadle's character moments seem cobbled together from spare riffs. Clooney himself even spends some time on the sidelines.

The script doesn't find much room for new characters, either: While it's fun to watch Pacino restrain himself as Bank (he barely gives a shout the whole film), his role is so underwritten, even by the series' standards, that he essentially plays the crusty old dean of Las Vegas to our boys' fun-loving frat house -- though, in a neat bit of irony, it's the younger guys who casually mourn the tourist glitz of the new Vegas.

At one point, Clooney and Pitt go for a reflective little walk and ruminate over the way the town has changed over the years. It's a nice gesture, and Soderbergh shoots this quiet scene, as he does most others, with high style, but in the wake of Swingers and The Cooler, these sentiments are a little late to the after-party.

Beyond currency, Ocean's Thirteen is nowhere near as memorable as those Vegas chronicles, nor as the streamlined first film. But Soderbergh, surrounded by special-effects competition, makes the casualness work for him. Now that just about any second sequel is promoted as the capper of an epic trilogy, his willingness to simply do it once more with feeling is like a face full of air-conditioning.

Aka Ocean's 13.

Seriously, we gotta do this again?

Source: contactmusic.com

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