Live Free Or Die Hard Movie Soundtrack Download, Trailer and Review

1Out Of Bullets (Marco Beltrami)1:06
2Shootout (Marco Beltrami)3:40
3Leaving The Apartment (Marco Beltrami)2:08
4Dead Hackers (Marco Beltrami)1:31
5Traffic Jam (Marco Beltrami)4:12
6It's A Fire Sale (Marco Beltrami)2:56
7The Break-In (Marco Beltrami)2:27
8Farrell To D.C. (Marco Beltrami)4:35
9Copter Chase (Marco Beltrami)4:41
10Blackout (Marco Beltrami)2:03
11Illegal Broadcast (Marco Beltrami)3:47
12Hurry Up (Marco Beltrami)1:22
13The Power Plant (Marco Beltrami)2:01
14Landing (Marco Beltrami)2:27
15Cold Cuts (Marco Beltrami)1:59
16Yippie Ki Yay (Marco Beltrami)4:42
17Break A Neck (Marco Beltrami)2:47
18Farrell Is In (Marco Beltrami)4:22
19The F-35 (Marco Beltrami)4:12
20Aftermath (Marco Beltrami)3:12
21Live Free Or Die Hard (Marco Beltrami)2:56

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Live Free Or Die Hard Movie Trailer

Die Hard 4 Music Video

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Live Free Or Die Hard Movie Review

No one winces like Bruce Willis. A man with a million-dollar grimace, the actor gets lots of opportunity to play to his strength in "Live Free or Die Hard," the latest adventure of ultra-violent Energizer Bunny John McClane: He's not exactly cuddly but he keeps on coming on.

The fourth film in the "Die Hard" franchise, and the first to snare an unlikely PG-13 rating, "Live Free" has the New York City police detective falling out of moving vehicles, surviving multiple explosions, coping with crack teams of French assassins and dodging missiles fired by a Harrier jet. All in a day's work for someone who insists he's a hero only because "there's nobody else to do it right now."

Yet despite considerable odds, not only does McClane stay alive, his movie does too. Inevitable lapses in plausibility and an inflated two-hour, nine-minute running time aside, "Live Free or Die Hard" is a slick and efficient piece of action entertainment, fast moving with energetic stunt work and nice thriller moves.

Key in making this happen is director Len Wiseman, a veteran of action extravaganzas "Underworld" and "Underworld: Evolution," a man with a passion for physical stunts and the ability to keep the pace from lagging.

Although "Live Free" has one of the most convoluted writing credits in memory — "screenplay by Mark Bomback, story by Bomback and David Marconi, certain original characters by Roderick Thorp, based upon the article 'A Farewell to Arms' by John Carlin" — the result is a shrewd, serviceable premise that feels uncomfortably real.

The notion, inspired by that Wired magazine article, is that the more we as a society have our essential systems run by computers, the more vulnerable we are to having those systems messed with by brainy bad guys intent on catastrophic results. While it seems as if every third thriller these days has computers as part of the plot, this one makes them relevant.

"Live Free" also has the advantage of a wide-awake Willis. An actor who looks to have sleepwalked his way through parts of his extensive filmography, Willis can be an effective force when he is involved, and being in the franchise that made his feature reputation has certainly concentrated his attention.

Helping with that is the expert work of casting directors Deborah Aquila and Tricia Wood, who've surrounded the star with actors who are right for their parts. Whether it's Justin Long as McClane's computer savvy sidekick, the deadly duo of Timothy Olyphant as the evil genius and Maggie Q as his mistress of martial arts girlfriend, New Zealand's Cliff Curtis as an FBI honcho or even director Kevin Smith moonlighting as a "digital Jedi" named Warlock, each performer noticeably adds to the film's effectiveness.

"Live Free" introduces McClane at his least heroic, in New Jersey having a spat with his teenage daughter Lucy (Mary Elizabeth Winstead), who is so fed up with her dad she's changed her name and refuses to talk to him.

Given that he's already in the Garden State, McClane's boss sends him to pick up a young hacker named Matt Farrell (Long) as part of a broader sweep to figure out why someone has hacked into the FBI's Department of Cyber Security.

Wouldn't you know it, the bad guys want young Farrell dead, and McClane just happens to have the inexhaustible supply of weaponry and bullets necessary to hold the evildoers at bay as he tries to figure out how to save the world one more time.

That this implausible stew works as well as it does is in part a tribute to the unlikely but enjoyable rapport that forms between old school McClane and his youthful computer-savvy companion. Given how many off-putting ways the part of an arrogant and brainy cyber-geek could have been miscast, it's a pleasure to see how engaging Long, known for his Apple Computer commercials, is in the role.

"Live Free or Die Hard" tries hard to retain the spirit of the original films, to keep alive the notion that McClane, "a Timex watch in a digital age," is just an ordinary guy. The number of impossible situations he manages to get himself out of, however, makes that really hard to sustain, but it matters not. Anyone who says the reason he used a flying car to take down a helicopter was simply because he "ran out of bullets" has our attention.


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Eastern Promises Movie Soundtrack, Trailer and Review

1Eastern Promises (Howard Shore)5:06
2Tatiana (Howard Shore)5:12
3London Streets (Howard Shore)1:56
4Sometimes Birth And Death Go Together (Howard Shore)1:53
5Trafalgar Hospital (Howard Shore)1:34
6Vory V Zakone (Howard Shore)0:48
7Slavery And Suffering (Howard Shore)2:00
8Nikolai (Howard Shore)1:19
9Kirill (Howard Shore)2:09
10Anna Khitrova (Howard Shore)3:26
11Eagle And Star (Howard Shore)1:25
12Nine Elms (Howard Shore)6:16
13Like A Place In The Bible (Howard Shore)1:22
14Trans-Siberian Diary (Howard Shore)2:31

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Eastern Promises Movie Trailer

Eastern Promises Movie Review

We're in London and the streets look like they are owned and operated by Beelzebub himself. The ghosts of the KGB death squads loom in the distance, but the Russian crime syndicate's stranglehold over the hoods and alleys is as strong as ever. Out of one of these decrepit alleyways crawls a 14-year-old girl who walks into a pharmacy only moments before hemorrhaging from the baby girl inside her. Her death is announced at the same time as her daughter's birth. Welcome to the decaying London of David Cronenberg's Eastern Promises.

A master at the ancient art of phantom punching, Cronenberg's examination of the Russian mafia's sex trade, currently flourishing in London, doesn't hit you till you're a good quarter mile away from the theater, as you're still contemplating Viggo Mortensen's slicked-back hairdo. Like a wolf right before the hunt, Mortensen snarls and calmly stalks as Nikolai, the driver for a sect of the elusive crime syndicate Vory V Zakone, a specter that arose from the ashes of Stalin's work camps. Nikolai works for Semyon (Armin Mueller-Stahl) and Semyon's volatile son Kirill (Vincent Cassel), taking care of their transportation and their criminal refuse. When Nikolai snaps off the fingers of a corpse, he asks Kirill and his business associate Azim (Mina E. Mina) to leave... but the audience is allowed to stay.

When a midwife named Anna Khitrova (Naomi Watts) starts sniffing around for the family of the mother and daughter who ended up on her table, Nikolai's steely eyes thin and begin to calculate. What is first believed to be Kirill's lost baby actually belongs to the stately Semyon, who brutally raped and locked away the Russian teenager. Semyon's distinguished attitude gives him a paterfamilial warmth, serving Anna some heated borscht and singing Russian tunes to a woman on her 100th birthday. That we don't see Semyon's crystallized blood makes him all the more dangerous, and it benefits even more from Mueller-Stahl's suave performance and Cassel's wounded cub.

Cronenberg's film regulates all its characters to the ghosts that swirl around them. The gloomy ghouls of Stalin and the KGB evoke the steel eyes of Semyon while Anna's conscience is haunted by the dead girl and the horrors of Eastern Europe, an upbringing she was spared from when her family emigrated to London. Even Nikolai warbles at the thoughts of his own quixotic past and his disheveled moral compass that is beholden to both Semyon and the London police. Not to worry though: Cronenberg still composes blistering acts of violence, as he does here in a stunning three-man battle in a bathhouse with a stark-naked Mortensen. Thanks to the director's ever-evolving style and Steve Knight's pungent script, Mortensen continues to elevate his craft from the broad sword of Aragorn to a whole new level of craft that became apparent in Cronenberg's last film, the disarmingly brilliant A History of Violence. Cronenberg, a world-class provocateur, reminds us that the London streets still aren't safe and they probably never were.


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Evan Almighty Soundtrack Download, Trailer and Movie Review

1Ready For A Miracle (Leann Rimes)3:36
2One Love (Jo Dee Messina)3:53
3Have You Ever Seen The Rain (John Fogerty)2:47
4Walk On Water (Blue County)3:50
5Spirit In The Sky (Plumb)3:24
6The Power Of One (Bombshel)4:33
7Be The Miracle (Room For Two)2:17
8God Makes Stars (Hal Ketchum)3:03
9This Land Is Your Land (The Mike Curb Congregation)3:16
10Never Give Up (Tracy Edmond)4:00
11Revolution (Blue County)4:17
12Revolution (Stone Temple Pilots)3:39
13Sharp Dressed Man (Jo Dee Messina)3:49
14Sharp Dressed Man (Zz Top)4:15
15Gonna Make You Sweat (Everybody Dance Now) (C&C Music Factory)4:07
16Have You Ever Seen The Rain (Credence Clearwater Revival)2:41

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Evan Almighty Movie Trailer

Evan Almighty Soundtrack - Ready For A Miracle (Leann Rimes)

Download Evan Almighty Movie

Evan Almighty Movie Review

Evan Almighty takes the biblical story of Noah, modernizes it, and then tells it the way Christian church leaders probably wish it was. You know, the warm, fluffy, pop-up book version with cute, fuzzy animals and none of that whole wrath of god, weeping and gnashing of teeth stuff that’s actually in it. Also missing is my favorite part of the biblical story: Noah’s drunken, nude, post-flood celebration. For Evan Steve Carell keeps his clothes on (most of the time) and goes for friendly, family-oriented, PG comedy instead.

If you saw Bruce Almighty, you probably remember Evan Baxter, Bruce’s rival news reporter and the unfortunate recipient of the god-empowered Bruce’s wrath. Evan Almighty takes that character, and pretends as if the previous movie in which he was introduced never existed. Morgan Freeman is back as God, but the similarities between original and sequel end there. Bruce Almighty was a gleefully PG-13, somewhat adult comedy about a guy gifted with omnipotence. Evan Almighty is a carefully PG family movie, geared towards being the kind of film church groups take their kids to after Sunday school. It has nothing to do with Bruce, and it’s probably better for it.

Bruce Almighty didn’t need a sequel, and it doesn’t get one. Instead, screenwriter Steve Oedekerk takes the original movie’s concept and simply does something different with it. The film begins with reporter Evan Baxter retiring from the news game to serve in public office. He’s just been elected to the United States Congress, so he packs up his wife and three sons to move to Washington. Evan’s wife is the churchy type, so before his first day in politics she suggests he pray for heavenly help. Evan does, and asks God to help him fulfill his vague campaign promise to “change the world.” God hears him, and decides he’d rather have Evan build an ark.

Soon things start getting weird for Evan. He’s followed by animals everywhere he goes, his beard grows out an alarming rate, and this fatherly old gentlemen who looks exactly like Morgan Freeman appears on his front lawn claiming to be God. If only God were more like Morgan Freeman, religion might be a more attractive lifestyle option. As he was in Bruce Almighty, Morgan is simply brilliant as the all-powerful, warm, fatherly, heavenly creator and after a few miracles and some good advice, he convinces Evan he’s the real deal. The film follows Evan around for laughs as he struggles to keep his position in Congress while God plays pranks designed to nudge him back towards getting to work on that ark. Eventually Evan is left with no choice but to start building.

Sticking Steve Carell in awkward situations is a guaranteed way to get laughs, and the film does plenty of that. Things don’t go nearly as well however, when it tries to shove out life advice along with the gags. Even for a movie in which God is a main character, Evan Almighty lays the religion on awfully thick. It’s pretty clearly made with Christians in mind, which I suppose is a smart move if you’ve seen the box office receipts for Passion of the Christ. If you’re not already a fan of Jesus and his dad going in, you’ll still enjoy it as long as you can convince yourself you’re just watching another fantasy movie. Shouldn’t be hard, since when it comes to doctrine the movie’s not exactly biblically correct anyway.

I’ve always been a big fan of the PG family comedy. There’s a place in this world for both good kid-friendly entertainment and gritty, more significant R-rated stuff. Evan Almighty isn’t exactly Swiss Family Robinson, but it is a warm, funny, mostly harmless film you can take your kids to and enjoy right along with them. There’s little doubt that’s what director Tom Shadyac was going for with this one, and he succeeds.


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Surf's Up Soundtrack Download, Trailer and Movie Review

1Reggae Got Soul (311)3:10
2Drive (Incubus)3:54
3Stand Tall (Heads,dirty)3:13
4Lose Myself (Hill, Lauryn)4:36
5Just Say Yes (Andrews, Ken)3:40
6Forrowest (In The Dark, Forro)4:45
7Pocket Full Of Stars (Nine Black Alps)3:32
8Into Yesterday (Sugar Ray)4:13
9Big Wave (Pearl Jam)2:59
10Wipe Out (Nose, Big)1:42
11Run Home (Instrumental) (Priestess)3:37
12What I Like About You (Romantics, The)2:58
13You Get What You Give (New Radicals)4:58
14Hawaiian War Chant (Ta (Hu-Wa-Hu-Wai) - Wills, Bob & His Texas Playboys)3:14

Download Surf's Up Soundtrack (OST)

Surf's Up Movie Trailer

Surf's Up Soundtrack - Reggae Got Soul

Surf's Up Movie Review

"Surf's Up" is an animated comedy about the high-octane world of competitive surfing. The film profiles teenage Rockhopper penguin Cody Maverick (Shia LaBeouf), and up-and-coming surfer, as he enters his first competition. Followed by a camera crew to document his experiences, Cody leaves his family and home in Shiverpool, Antarctica to travel to Pen Gu Island for the Big Z Memorial Surf Off. Along the way, Cody meets surf nut Chicken Joe (Jon Heeder), a famous surf promoter Reggie Belafonte (James Woods), surf talent scout Mikey Abromowitz (Mario Cantone), and a spirited lifeguard Lani Aliikai (Zooey Deschanel), all of whom recognize Cody's passion for surfing, even if it sometimes goes too far. Cody believes that winning will bring him the admiration and respect he desires, but when he unexpectedly comes face-to-face with a washed up old surfer named Geek (Jeff Bridges), Cody begins to find his own way, and discovers that a true winner isn't' always the one who comes in first.

I was very pleasantly surprised with this movie, at first I thought it was going to be another penguin movie, however it just has penguins in it. I really enjoyed the movie and thought the CGI was really excellently done; the story itself was good and could have been told from any perspective. I think the adults and kids will enjoy the movie and really get something out of it. I found this movie less political than "Happy Feet" it also brings forth an easier to understand message for the kids not "rise against the power" but more of a "never give up" attitude. Between the kids jokes, the adult jokes, and the soundtrack it really was a good movie.


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War Movie Sountrack Download, Trailer and Review

1Spyked (Brian Tyler)2:32
2War Opening Titles (Brian Tyler)5:05
3Confession (Brian Tyler)3:06
4Rooftop Pursuit (Brian Tyler)1:44
5Whips (Brian Tyler)2:14
6Swordfight (Brian Tyler)5:16
7Rogue Cleans Da Hizouse (The Rza)2:15
8Getting Started - Scene Of The Crime (Brian Tyler)2:51
9The Set Up - Mr. Chang Sends Regards (Mark Batson)2:36
10Shiro Comes To Town (Brian Tyler)3:55
11Bangkok Downtown (Brian Tyler)2:18
12This Isn't Japan (Brian Tyler)2:16
13Cop Hunting - Face To Face (Brian Tyler)2:42
14Compliments Of Mr. Chang (Mark Batson)0:36
15Rogue's Revenge (Brian Tyler)1:09
16Showdown (Brian Tyler)2:49
17Plans For Retaliation (Brian Tyler)4:00
18Watching The Change (Brian Tyler)0:45
19Shiro's Estate (Brian Tyler)2:33
20War End Credits (Brian Tyler)5:31
21Suicide King (Machines Of Loving Grace)4:04
22War Opening Titles (Remix) (Brian Tyler)4:55

Download War Movie Soundtrack (OST)

War Movie Trailer

War Movie Review

Synopsis: After his partner is brutally murdered by the infamous assassin Rogue (Jet Li), FBI agent Jack Crawford (Jason Statham) vows to find the elusive killer and personally avenge his partner's death. But Rogue proves untraceable until three years later when he resurfaces to ignite a bloody turf war between Chinese mob leader Chang (John Lone) and Japanese Yakuza boss Shiro (Ryo Ishibashi). Eager to capture Rogue once and for all, Crawford leads his team of crime specialists headlong into the conflict. But Crawford's thirst for vengeance jeopardizes his professional judgment, and as the violence escalates, Crawford finally comes face to face with his enemy to discover that nothing about Rogue or his plan is quite what it seems.

Movie Review: Jason Statham plays a maverick FBI agent (is there any other kind in movies?) on the trail of an elusive assassin (Jet Li) who killed his partner; meanwhile, the assassin incites a shooting war between rival Japanese and Chinese gangs in San Francisco. The story is threadbare, but writers Lee Anthony Smith and Gregory J. Bradley take the trouble to toss in a whopping plot twist that goes beyond outlandis—nd requires more explanatory dialogue than it’s worth (or Statham and Li can handle). Director Philip G. Atwell uses his music-video experience to over-edit the gun-and-martial-arts fights, cramming as much grisly action into every second as 24 frames will carry, but he doesn’t bother to have his actors pronounce “Yakuza” correctly. Fans of this overworked genre will probably get their money’s worth.


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